Healing Journey, the Latest Project from Ben Smith Music Studio

Healing Journey is the newest project from Ben Smith Music Company. Healing Journey is a guided imagery recording featuring acclaimed Hypnotherapist Wynne Stewart Dacey, accompanied by Ben's Music, recorded right here in the Studio! It is for sale as both a digital download or CD. Click HERE  for your copy of Healing Journey.  

2016-10-18T19:26:41-07:00December 9th, 2015|

Seattle Wave Radio Features Ben Smith in Inaugural Podcast “Houston”

Dave Mark and Raymond Hayden interviewed Ben from his Seattle Studio for their inaugural podcast "Houston" last week. You can click HERE to hear it now, or listen to the podcast on Seattle Wave Radio at 5:30 PM (PST) tonight (Nov 2)! Ben talks about the upcoming Nov. 4th DreamWreck show, touring with Heart and the Ann Wilson [...]

2016-10-18T19:26:41-07:00November 2nd, 2015|

Sweet Note From Rachel Brandsness

I love hearing from people who have been inspired by music... Hey Ben, I'm not sure if you remember, but I was the guitar player you met last Thursday at The Ann Wilson Thing show at City Winery in Nashville, TN.  I'm the one who plays in the Deep Purple and Heart tribute bands, amongst [...]

2015-10-27T03:11:51-07:00October 27th, 2015|

I do love New York!

Ben Smith and Sue Pelino We played down at City Winery the other night, and I've been struck in the last couple of days by the soft spot I have for the city and how much I love my friends here. When I come to NY I love to walk the streets and [...]

2016-10-18T19:26:41-07:00October 11th, 2015|
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